Minggu, 15 April 2012

Phrasal Verbs

Phrasal verbs refer to verb and preposition which together have a special meaning. For example, put + off means “postpone”. A phrasal verb may be either separable or nonseparable.
With a separable phrasal verb, a noun, may come either between the verb and the preposition or after preposition. A pronoun comes between the verb and the preposition.
With a nonseparable phrasal verb, a noun or pronoun must follow the preposition.

Example :

Separable Phrasal Verbs
Nonseparable  Phrasal Verbs
a. I handed my paper in yesterday
b. I handed in  my paper yesterday
c. I handed it in yesterday
a. I ran into an old friend yesterday
b. I ran into her yesterday


The following is a list of some common phrasal verbs and their usual meaning.
Separable Phrasal
Bring up
1. rear children
2. mention or introduce a topic
Call back
Return a telephone call
Pick up
Go to get someone (such as in a car)
Put off
Look up
Look for information in a reference book.

Nonseparable Phrasal
Check in, check into
Register at a hotel
Get out of
Pass away
Show up
Appear, come
Look after
Take care of

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